Songs and Spoken Word Music
Well I finally did this CD with my old pal Brian Michie (aka Eric Plectrum, as written about in 'You Know What You Could Be').
Essentially it's my spoken word poems fitted with Brian's music compositions, then mixed artfully by Brian Young at the legendary CaVa Sound Studios in Glasgow. Plus a couple of bonus tracks from the Queens Hall I did with Mike Vass and Fiona Hunter: 'Mal's Song' and a sequence at the end of 'Found At Sea'.
In ways I don't really understand, it's available on Amazon, iTunes, for streaming or download - and I'm enjoying selling the CD after readings.
It's a long-intended side project!
NB The music that's probably playing right now is NOT from the CD, but from rough demos. Some day I may add some Fate & ferret tracks from 1968-70. George and I have yet to decide whether it's better to keep them as myth and imagined.
To listen to more of Andrew's music, please CLICK HERE.